Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Workout Wednesday

I'll be honest... I thought the random interruptions throughout the day would be chaos. The kids LOVED it. We danced during yoga, during Religion, during Art, and with our Teamwork Tuesday buddies. The only time we couldn't dance was when we were on the stairs headed to the Computer Lab. A few exclaimed at the end of the day "This day was so fun!". It was fun indeed.

Up next... dress as your favorite Bible character, book character, or teacher.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Twin Day

We loved sharing our day with the bears yesterday. During play time we found them in the most adorable places. It was so sweet to see the children pull up extras chairs so their bears could join them. Some even fit in our toys.


Today is Twin Day. Once we figured out what it meant to be a 'twin' the kiddos had lots of fun finding ways to be twins.

Some came to school dressed alike. Others decided to accessorize once at school. We even found twin lunches.


Pink and tutus, the perfect twin day outfit

The birthday girl and her adoring fans (twins). Who doesn't love a princess sash?!

Twin Uncrustables

Twin GoGurt

Up next a movie and nachos with Mrs. Seibal's class. Should be tons of fun.

It is our hope that the students really enjoy Catholic Schools Week. While the mini celebrations are not at the heart of why families choose a Catholic education for their children, we want to celebrate in a way the children can understand. We are blessed to be able to learn about the seasons of the liturgical year. We are blessed to be able to pray before meals. We are blessed to teach the children that their words alone can be a prayer to God their heavenly father and that their voices will be heard. We are blessed that so many families make sacrifices to make St. Monica Catholic School your school family.

Happy Catholic Schools Week

(Tomorrow wear exercise clothes to school. I'm hoping someone sports leg warmers and sweat bands. At random times during the day music will be played over the intercom and the entire school will get to hop and and dance)

We have been learning a few sight words this week. We are using this great video from Preschool Prep Sight Words. We have only covered the first words, but their progress has been amazing. You might want to watch at home too. Another great way to reinforce our school day is to utilize Compass Learning from home. If you have lost your child's username and login we would be happy to send it home again. Many children are taking advantage of the program and getting in extra practice at home. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Kick Off to Catholic Schools Week

Today is PJ Day at SMS. We all brought a bear to school and had special visitors (friends from 4th grade) read bedtime stories to us. What a treat, especially since so many brothers and sisters were in Mr. L's class. We have lots of fun things planned this week. Hopefully I am able to take pictures, import, and post them all in a reasonably timely manner. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Open House

This coming Sunday, January 25th, from 2:00-4:00 we will be hosting an Open House. Please help spread the word about our amazing Preschool Program at St. Monica. We have made a little video highlighting a day in Preschool. Feel free to share the video with neighbors and friends who might be looking for a new school home.

A Day in PreK4