Monday, April 27, 2015

Jacob and Esau

Each afternoon, shortly after brain break we have Religion class. We try to focus on one Bible story a week. We typically read the story Monday and either chat or complete a craft to go along with the story throughout the week. Before the children head to play time their 'exit ticket' is to whisper in my ear one thing they remember from the story. It is always interesting hearing the variety of details that stick out to the students.

Last week we talked about Jacob and Esau, and Jacob's ladder dream.The children remember so much from this story. The hairy arms, an angry brother, sleeping on a rock. To show the students they can write stories with pictures and words we drew our Bible story on the board. Below is their story.

The blessing of a Catholic school right here on our white board!

This week's story is Joseph and his coat of many colors. 
I can't wait to see what we learn from this one.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Busy Busy Busy Bees

We have had so much going on in Preschool lately. A few weeks ago we talked about 2D and 3D shapes in Math. First we made shapes with our bodies. I had to give the directions twice, not because they weren't listening - they always listen- but because they could not believe I was actually telling them to lay on the floor is shapes.

After that we went on a shape search and found many many items in our room that were 3D shapes. Since then we have fallen back in love with our blocks. The children now ask for the camera to take pictures of their creations. We are making a book of building ideas from their creations.

Of course we also spend time taking pictures of our friends.

Oh, and did they mention we have pets?! We have five painted lady caterpillars in our room. We are patiently waiting for them to turn into chrysalids. 

Today in Daily 5 we started a new project. We are using the My Scribble Story app to draw and tell the story of the butterfly life cycle. As soon as the students have their stories published I hope to email them to everyone.

If this project goes well we will move to Adobe Voice and use pictures the students are taking on the iPads to make another life cycle project.